API Reference

Getting Started With Your API

This page will help you get started with Enrichley.

Enrichley is your one-stop-shop email verification tool. Not only does Enrichley verify emails like other tools, but if the email returns as a catch-all, Enrichley automatically runs that same email through its proprietary catch-all verification solution to increase your overall validation rates!

On average, 40-60% of unverified email lists contain "risky" emails aka "catch-all" emails. We all know data is expensive, so why throw away 30-50% of your email lists due to "catch-alls"?

Enrichley's email verification was built to recover as many of these risky emails as possible (on average 50% of these emails are able to be verified). This means on your overall list you can expect anywhere between 20-30% more valid emails, but of course this can vary based on your data source.

The benefits of validating catch-all emails:

  • Access to less emailed prospects due to others tossing their catch-all emails
  • Save $ by keeping 20-30% more of your targeted email lists
    All their emails are validated in real-time with sub 5% bounce rates!

Enrichley's single validation API uses an X-Api-Key header for validation. API keys are automatically generated when you signup for a paid plan on our app . Once you sign up for a paid plan, you'll be able to use your API Key with all of our APIs.

Rate Limits

Enrichley API rate limits are 10 requests/sec as well as 10 concurrent requests. If you need higher bandwidth, please contact us at [email protected]